MacFormat España 20
OpenStack Rinaldi Collection
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All externals included in this pkg are FreeWare and may be used in non-commercial software provided the following notice is visibly present :
"XCMD/XFCN Name", © Frederic Rinaldi, 1989…1996.
Free for non-commercial use. Use in commercial software subjected to prior acknowledgement and licensing from the author, reachable at the following network addresses:
AppleLink: RINALDI1 CalvaCom : FR10 Compuserve : 71170,2111
The Rinaldi Collection is in OpenStack Format. OpenStack ©1994-1996 by Harry Alloul is a software allowing you to create easily HyperCard stacks and applications.
This software can be used in total harmony with HyperCard and works on the
same principle as OpenDoc from Apple Computer, Inc.
OpenStack is an object oriented tool, powerful and easy to use.
It can manage a lot of ready made objects (objects or componants are files
on disk) like: buttons, fields, texts, sounds, pictures, QuickTime movies
(QT-VR too), OSA scripts (AppleScript, Frontier, _), HyperTalk scripts,
externals commands and functions (XCMDs and XFCNs), resources, 3DMF...
To install an object in your stack you only have to drag it from the
objects palette or from the Finder and drop it on the current card.
That way you can easily create all sorts of Macintosh applications without
writing one single line of script.
With OpenStack, your HyperCard stacks are build in a short time.
All you need is a mouse and your imagination!
OpenStack requires at least System 7.1 to run and a 2.5 Mo minimum RAM
allocation to HyperCard (or HyperCard Player).
OpenStack (full version) supports the following Apple technologies:
- Apple Guide (System 7.5 at least)
- Macintosh Drag and Drop
- Open Scripting Architecture (AppleScript, Frontier, _)
- QuickTime
- QuickTime VR
- QuickDraw 3D (System 7.5 or above and PowerMac only)
- Balloons help
- HyperTalk (HyperTalk scripts can be included directly in your object)
- AddColor / Color Tools
(provided with the full version of HyperCard - OpenStack enhances the
Color tools with its own Color Library - QuickColor)
- ...
You will be able to easily create OpenStack objects with the provided
tools (ODK).
- the XObject Maker application, provided with the development package,
allows you to create easily the following objects:
sound, drawing, picture, movie, text, OSA script, HyperTalk script,
DirectActionScript, XCMD/XFCN, resource, button, field and more...
- and if you're a C, Pascal, CompileIt!, OSA (AppleScript/Frontier),
HyperTalk developer you'll be able to transform all your source codes,
scripts, XCMDs or XFCNs, Stacks,...into OpenStack objects.
The development package includes a license allowing you to distribute your
objects as freeware, shareware or commercial products with no additional
OpenStack: winner of the french Apple Trophee 1995!
Univers Mac Magazine (Jean-Paul Chicheret) 5/5:
<<Une conception révolutionnaire, une souplesse jusqu'alors jamais vue sous
HyperCard, une extrême simplicité de mise en oeuvre et d'utilisation...>>
SVM Mac Magazine (Philippe Potier) 4,5/5:
<<Bien conçu et très simple d'emploi, il devrait s'imposer comme un
standard et même devenir indispensable pour ceux qui désirent se fabriquer
des piles sur mesure.>>
The french version of the shareware edition will be available in july (the
US will be available soon), for more info contact:
Harry Alloul
Internet: objectivesw@dial.oleane.com
If you're interested in the software (the commercial edition on CD-ROM
with manual, etc.) you can contact:
12, rue Lecuirot
Phone (33 1) 44 12 55 67
FAX (33 1) 44 12 55 60
---------- URLs -----------------------
Here is an URL for finding OpenStack ftp sites :
----- Shareware Edition Pkgs --------
- OpenStack 1.1 Shareware Edition ($20)
OpenStack Extension
Help balloons
OpenStack Guide
OpenStack Tools stack
Objects library (demo)
User manual (eDoc format).
TOTAL 1.5 Mo
- Bibliothèque QuickColor 1.0 ($10)
more than 150 objets for colorize your stacks.
QuickColor manual (eDoc format).
TOTAL 2,1 Mo
Freeware :
- Rinaldi US Collection
(112 XCMD Objects by FreDOS)
TOTAL 1,2 Mo
- Objets Collection OPS
(92 Objects by Éric Miclo)
TOTAL 875 Ko
- Bib'Op (by Éric Boissicat)
Demo (Obsolete):
- OpenStack demo F-1.0 ( obsolete version )
TOTAL 960 Ko
- OpenStack demo US 1.0 ( obsolete version )
TOTAL 690 Ko
and more to come...
All informations in this mail are subject to change without notice.
All trade-marks are registered.